Alexey Rogozin appointed UAC’s Vice-President for Transport Aviation

Alexey Rogozin was appointed Vice-President for Transport Aviation of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) on March 14, 2017.
He will form the transport division, consolidate key management functions at the corporate headquarters level and build a unified management system for transport aviation programs. One of the key issues is to meet the demand of the Ministry of Defence and other executive authorities for renewal of their respective transport aircraft fleets.
The move is a part of a strategic program to transform UAC’s corporate structure through forming core-business divisions that was approved by the Board of Directors in December, 2016. The decision is intended to improve operational efficiency at all stages of aviation equipment life cycle, to keep nonmanufacturing costs down due to centralization of management functions, including concerted fulfilment of contractual obligations to produce new equipment models.
UAC’s transport division should build a unified management system for transport aviation programs – heavy Il-76, light Il-112, advanced medium and ultra-heavy transport aircraft. VASO, Aviastar-SP, UAC-TA, Experimental Machine-Building Plant named after V.Myasishchev and a number of repair plants will be consolidated and Ilyushin will become the parent company of the transport division.
Previously, Alexey Rogozin worked in the Ministry of Defence and supervised a wide range of large enterprises including JSC Garnizon, JSC Voentelecom, 224th Flight Unit, as well as a number of enterprises of the military construction complex. He is also a member of the Board of Directors (JSC Garnizon and JSC Voentelecom) and a member of the Commission of Aviation and Space Infrastructure Development.
Acting as Director of Development and Deputy Director of Promtechnologii Group of Companies Alexey Rogozin participated in the creation of OSIRIS factory manufacturing sniper and hunting rifles. From 2012 to 2016 - General Director of FSOE Aleksinsky Chemical Complex (manufacture and R&D in the field of technical chemistry, composite and rubber technical items for the industry of conventional arms, aviation and space systems). Aleksinsky Chemical Complex under the direction of Alexey Rogozin regained the status of a large and developing enterprise in Tula Region.