Joint Venture of PJSC “UAC” and COMAC has sent a request for proposal to the potential suppliers of landing gear forCR929 program
On July 31, China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation (CRAIC) owned by United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC “UAC”) and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) issued a request for proposal (RFP) to the potential suppliers of landing gear system for the program of wide-body long-range aircraft CR929. The list of potential candidates includes companies from Russia China and Europe.
A package of RPF documents regarding the landing gear system contains the design and commercial requirements, requirements for after-sales support and quality, as well as requirements for the supply chain management.
“The landing gear of the passenger aircraft along with the power plant and the airframe is one of the most important systems. The landing gear ensures the performance of take-off and landing procedures and the movement of the aircraft on the airfield. The landing gear is subject to the high level of safety requirements, both in normal operation and in abnormal situations. The components of this system have a long and complex cycle of development, manufacturing and testing”, explained the chief designer of CR929 program from the Russian side Maxim Litvinov.
A pool of world-wide potential suppliers who were invited to the RFP stage (Request for Proposal stage) was formed following the results of the previous stage - the RFI stage (Request for Information).
The response to CR929 landing gear system RFP from potential suppliers is expected to be received by the end of November 2018 in accordance with CR929 Master Plan. After this, within CRAIC, a joint Russian-Chinese team will begin a detailed analysis and prepare a comprehensive assessment of the suppliers' proposals.