More Than 43 Thousand New Civil Aircraft Will be Sold Until 2037. UAC estimates the total cost of deliveries to surpass US$6 trillion


Today, during the first day of the Airshow China international airshow held in Zhuhai, China, UAC presented its annual Market Outlook for the next 20 years. According to the forecast, UAC estimates the total demand for new passenger aircraft with more than 30 seats in 2018-2037 to exceed 43.6 thousand aircraft worth over US$6 trillion in 2018 catalogue prices.

The market outlook is a comprehensive marketing analysis devoted to the civil aircraft segment of the world’s aviation that analyses the tendencies and trends in the development of commercial air transportation in the world’s regions and the whole world. Most attention is devoted to the passenger transportation segment as the most capacious both in terms of value and delivery numbers. This segment is also very important to UAC as, according to the Corporation’s long-term development strategy, UAC’s revenue from sales of commercial aircraft should reach 45% from total sales, outgrowing other revenue segments.

In his opening remarks, UAC President Yury Slyusar noted: “The innovative development of the industrial model, increasing production rates of narrow- and wide- body aircraft are paving the way to new market segmentation approaches. The changing competition conditions are leading to further fleets optimization, adjustment of air transportation models, and the demand for new civil aircraft in general”.

According to the outlook, the annual passenger turnover rates during 2018-2037 will grow by 4.6% per year. Narrow body aircraft with 110 and more seats will be the most demanded by the airlines, capturing 68% of the whole market in quantity and 56% by value. The total demand for wide body aircraft will amount to almost 8 thousand aircraft, which is by value 40% of the total market in 2018 prices. Demand for new jet aircraft with 30-110 seats will amount to about 4 thousand aircraft – with only 3.1% of the total market value. The demand for turboprop aircraft will is estimated at 2.2 thousand aircraft.

The market outlook is based on UAC proprietary methodology and mathematical models and demonstrates the views of the Corporation on the development of air transportation and the demand for new commercial aircraft. The market outlook has data on current fleets, firm orders and regional outlooks for all world’s regions and Russia and China separately.

The full market outlook can be downloaded here:

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