Rostec to supply 339 Russian-made aircraft to Aeroflot


Yury Slyusar, General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) of Rostec State Corporation, and Sergey Aleksandrovsky, General Director of PJSC Aeroflot, signed an agreement of intent to purchase 339 Russian aircraft. The ceremony took place during the 7th Eastern Economic Forum in the presence of Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

“The contract will be the primary one for funding from the National Wealth Fund - the state will subsidize the purchase of Russian-made aircraft, fixing the delivery price for airlines so that our carriers do not experience additional financial burden. Due to the fact that first serial aircraft are always more expensive, at the initial stage, the difference between the delivery price and the actual cost will be compensated from the budget. With an increase in production, we will move away from this extra measure. Together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, we work to optimize the procedures of providing funds from the National Wealth Fund for the fleet renewal program. It is very important for us to quickly launch serial production under the contract in the current situation,” said Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The agreement provides for the delivery of 210 MC-21 aircraft, 89 SSJ-NEW aircraft, and 40 Tu-214 aircraft to Aeroflot Group under leasing terms from 2023 to 2030.

“Boeing and Airbus aircraft, which are unlikely to ever be delivered to Russia again, will be replaced by Russian-made passenger aircraft. Out of the 339 aircraft, almost 300 are new-generation MC-21 and Superjet aircraft. Tu-214 will become a reliable support - this aircraft was previously manufactored for special customers and has proven itself well. MC-21 will be the flagship of the Aeroflot fleet, it is the pride of our aircraft industry, it boasts with innovative design solutions that, I am sure, will be appreciated by both pilots and passengers. I would like to note that all aircraft will be delivered with Russian-made on-board systems and components," commented Sergey Chemezov, Director General of Rostec State Corporation.

The document states that the Group's airlines will receive first two Superjet-NEW aircraft in 2023, and starting from 2024, deliveries of first six MC-21 aircraft and the first seven Tu-214 aircraft are planned.

“Today we signed the biggest agreement on the purchase of Russian-made aircraft in the recent history of Aeroflot. This is an important step that sets the stimulus and influences the future prospects for the development of civil aviation in Russia. Aeroflot has successfully and effectively operated best domestic aircraft throughout its almost century-long history. The signing of this Agreement clearly demonstrates to the whole world that Russia remains a great aviation power with huge potential and rich experience in the field of aircraft manufacturing, capable of producing reliable and modern aircraft,” - Sergey Aleksandrovsky said.

“Through Aeroflot Group, we are getting a reliable partner for entry into service of new generation Russian-made airliners. Given the unprecedented volume of the contract, its execution becomes one of UAC's top priorities for the coming years, as the transport accessibility of the Russian regions and the mobility of the population of our country largely depend on it. Giving the importance of the tasks entrusted to us, we plan to sign first firm contacts for the delivery of aircraft in 2023-2025 before the end of this year,” said Yury Slyusar.

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